Parent / Guardian Consent
Helping Big-Kids Develop Life-Long Powerful Abilities

UNSTOPPABLE KIDS helps Big-Kids develop:
Strategies to prevent 'Adverse Mental Health'
Cultivation of ‘Positive Mental Health’
Stress Management Skills and Resilience Building
Healthy Confidence
Harnessing Personal Strengths
Increased Self-Awareness
Enhanced Communication Skills with their peers, parents and other significant people.
Goal Setting Skills
This parent / guardian consent form is applicable to all big-kids participating in the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program. All children under the age of 18 years old, must have parent or guardian consent to the participation in the program.
Big-Kid & Parent / Guardian Program Commitment & Terms of Consent
As a Big-Kid participating in the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program, with consultation and consent from my parent / guardian, I agree to commit fully to the program and will:
Engage in the weekly learning, activities and direction of the program material.
Commit to my own personal growth and active development of mental strength and ‘Positive Mental Health’.
Work to understand the teaching about my mind/psychology and apply the principles and strategies for ‘Mental Strength’ in all parts of my life.
Complete all requirements of the program within the required time-frame.
Ask for help when I am facing challenges, to better learn, develop and strengthen my ability to have ‘Positive Mental Health’, getting the most out of the program.
Attend my scheduled meeting/lessons on-time, with an adult present within the location of the zoom meeting at all times.
I understand that if I miss my booked one-on-one session, without providing 24-hours notice to reschedule the session, that I forfeit the session altogether.
As a parent / guardian, I acknowledge, understand and accept that:
In the event that my/our child withdraws from the program for any reason, I/we understand and accept that any money paid towards the program is NOT REFUNDABLE.
I/we understand that the payments made are funds contributed to a not-for-profit registered charity, and shall stay with the charity to cover program fees in part or full.
As a parent / guardian, I support my child in participating and completing the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program, and I give my consent to the following:
For our contact details to be used for the strict purposes of the program, including the participant directory and the participant/alumni mailing lists.
I consent to the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION and BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING to communicate with us regarding the program and other products and services for the benefit of ‘Positive Mental Health’, and I understand that I may opt-out of these emails at any time.
In accordance with the details stipulated in the Privacy Policy (link provided below), I understand that our personal information will never be sold or given to any other organisation.
To be contacted post the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program to be informed of updates on how the program has impacted the life of my child and other participants, as well as be involved in any longitudinal research studies for the purposes of evaluating and enhancing the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program.
For any words, statements and/or progressive achievements, either in writing or verbally expressed throughout the program, to be used to effectively communicate and promote the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program outcomes among participants, families, schools, sponsors and to the wider community. The quotes and other content may be used on the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION and BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING websites, e-news, reports, presentations and on social media channels, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.
I understand that I will not be consulted about the specific context, or number of times, in which these words or other content will be used. There is no end date for the use of this content. I understand that for the privacy protection of all participants, no participant names will be listed on these mediums, unless granted written consent by the parent/guardian.
Indemnification and Limitation of Liability
The participant and parent / guardian acknowledge that the program may be personally, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically challenging and that there may be occasions in which participants feel challenges including frustration, disappointment or stress, while they are learning and applying the strategies and skills to cultivate ‘Positive Mental Health’ and personal growth. The participant will not hold the counsellor, coach or facilitator/s and the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION or BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING liable for any loss or cost incurred by the participant (or any person related to the participant) in the event of mental, physical, emotional stress or distress (or other ailment or condition) caused either directly or indirectly in relation to the program. The participant shall indemnify these organisations and all individuals involved in delivering the program in the event of any such claim.
No Warranties Given
While every effort will be made to assist the participants with the development of ‘Mental Strength’ and ‘Positive Mental Health’, the program facilitator/s and the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION or BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING makes no representation or warranty to the participant and their family, that the program will work for the participant’s particular circumstances. The participant and family will not hold the program counsellor, coach or facilitator/s and the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION or BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING responsible for the failure (in whole or part) to achieve any of the participant’s goals.
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property owned by BE UNSTOPPABLE includes all trademarks, copyrights, processes, tools, materials, know-how, registered designs or other like rights (registered or otherwise), including use of the trademarked name BE UNSTOPPABLE and logo, as well as the trademarked D-R-I-V-E coaching model and logo and UNSTOPPABLE KIDS name and logo. All content contained on our Site including but not limited to: text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio and video clips, digital downloads, data compilations and software, is the property of BE UNSTOPPABLE or the property of our service providers and affiliates, protected by both Australian and International copyright laws, including laws for registered Trademarks. As a participant in the program, you are granted a limited access licence to personally use the tools, strategies and learning from the program, however, you do not have licence, consent or the right to copy, reproduce, republish, download (other than page caching), upload, post, transmit or distribute, reproduce any of the processes, techniques, presentations, methodologies and materials used by the coach or facilitator unless granted written consent by BE UNSTOPPABLE.
Full terms and conditions for participation in the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS Program, are inclusive of the content outlined in the links found in the footer of our website. Please click on the links to read the BE UNSTOPPABLE Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Giving consent to the program is deemed as accepting the terms as outlined in these policies.
If you have any questions about the program or this consent form, please contact us.
We look forward working with your child and help them develop ‘Positive Mental Health’.